Successful Relationship with Emma  Podcast Artwork Image

Successful Relationship with Emma


Hello Lovelies!


Welcome to my podcast, Successful Relationship with Emma, that airs every other Wednesday on your favorite platform!


If you are looking to get married or stay married, and have your life be a grand experience, you have come to the right place. We specialize in serving committed couples who are feeling disconnected and can’t seem to get on the same page. 


We help partners become their best self and become the best partner, inspiring their partner to join them in creating a radiant and successful relationship. 


So why a Podcast? I have always wanted to do a podcast as I love that through a podcast episode we can go deep into a topic much more easily than through any other content format available to the public. And, as I’m here to serve and help couples create the relationship and life they love through which they provide a stable, healthy, and nurturing home for their children, I wanted to create content through this medium as well to support them in their Journey.


This Podcast provides insights and conversations with experts to shed light and provide inspiration on how to embrace a relationship enrichment lifestyle and better connect with ourselves (including our Higher Self), our partner, our loved ones, our community, and our world at large. It provides practical takeaways to create immediate shifts in your relationship and your life.


With over 20 years of working with all things relationship, we help romantic partners through our Successful Relationship Strategy™ to:


1~ Empower themselves and break any impasses

2~ Uplevel their communication and easily get on the same page

3~ Change hurtful patterns and consistently meet their needs

4~ Reignite their love and deepen their connection

5~ Create a strong partnership and a harmonious, joyful, and loving home


The approach boils down to the basic concept of embracing a Relationship Enrichment Lifestyle where we are intentional about our personal and relationship development. 


It is based on my Transcendental Relationship Therapy™, which I developed over the course of working with and helping many couples transform their relationship. This is a personal-relational psychotherapy that supports romantic partners in becoming their best selves, creating their successful relationship, and living meaningful lives.


See you inside, where Relationship Enrichment is a Lifestyle!

If You Choose To Divorce, Choose Empowering Settlements with Ease with Glenn Dornfeld, Esq. (Ep. 22)July 17, 2024
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Demystifying Women's Hormonal Journey Throughout their Life Cycle with Dr. Serena Goldstein (Ep.21)July 03, 2024
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Connecting Health Issues to Psychological and Relational Patterns with Angela Mazza (Ep. 20)June 19, 2024
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A Different Perspective on Habits for Overall Health and Happiness with Marvin Bee (Ep. 19)June 05, 2024
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Parenting Neurodivergent Kids: Transitions, Discipline, and Connection w/ Polina Shkadron (Pt2) (Ep. 18)May 22, 2024
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Parenting Neurodivergent Kids: Tantrums, Parenting Styles, and Self-regulation w/ Polina Shkadron (Pt1) (Ep. 17)May 08, 2024
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Libido Differences, Rekindling Desire, and Sexual Satisfaction w/ Deborah Fox (Ep.16) April 24, 2024
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Small Big Mindset Tweaks to Succeed at Everything in Life w/ Francois Lupien (Ep.15)April 10, 2024
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Exploring Rituals to Enrich Relationships and Create Change w/ Dr. Evan Imber-Black (Ep. 14)March 27, 2024
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Refresh Your Relationship with Your Adult You w/ Cinthia Hiett (Ep. 13)March 13, 2024
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Explore Interconnectedness for More Harmony and Joy – Dr Jeffrey Dunne (Ep.12)February 28, 2024
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Keep the Love and Spark Alive this Valentine's and Always – Emma Solo (Ep.11)February 14, 2024
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Cultivate a Healthy Relationship with Food for Overall Wellbeing w/ Brigitte Zeitlin (Ep.10)January 31, 2024
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Thriving Through Transitions, Creating New Beginnings w/ Deborah Donenfeld (Ep.9)January 17, 2024
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Uplevel EVERYTHING by Embracing a Self-Love Practice... – Emma Solo (Ep.8)January 03, 2024
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Best Practices for a Healthy, Wealthy and Financially Successful Marriage w/ Stacy Francis (Ep.7)December 20, 2023
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How to Thrive this Holiday Season by Managing Expectations, Temptations, and Family Dynamics - Emma Solo (Ep.6)December 06, 2023
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About Men: Don't Let Anger Issues and Toxicity Affect Your Holidays w/ Richard Heller (Ep.5)November 22, 2023
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Simple, Sexy and Super Generous Money Management w/ Christine Luken (Ep.4)November 08, 2023
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The Top 10 Tactics to Ensure Lasting Love in Your Relationship - Emma Solo (Ep.3)October 25, 2023
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Use Your Strengths to Have a Huge Impact on Your Relationship w/ Nermine Zakhary (Ep.2)October 11, 2023
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The Secret Ingredients for a Successful Relationship w/ Carole Cullen (Ep.1) September 27, 2023
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Trailer: Successful Relationship with Emma PodcastSeptember 25, 2023
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